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Foundational Partner Program

The countdown to launch is on.
Be part of it as Foundational Partner.


By becoming a member of EarthDaily's Foundational Partner Program, your organization will be at the forefront, harnessing our revolutionary data to gain market advantage. Our commitment prior to launch includes collaborating with you to tailor business arrangements that are exceptionally adaptable. Additionally, we offer added benefits to forge a robust alliance, expedite your return on investment with EarthDaily, and accelerate your company's growth.

EarthDaily Constellation Value

Not all data is created equal

EarthDaily is on a mission to bring the world’s most advanced change detection system to market. Our broad-coverage earth observation capability delivers highly accurate data to help unlock valuable, actionable insights. Join our global network of foundational partners and see how working with next-generation earth observation technology can help you build innovative solutions for your customers.


Consistent across pixel colour, size and location,  plus high signal-to-noise ratio.

Broad Coverage & High Revisits

~100% of Earth’s landmass imaged at the same time every day, with a string of pearls constellation design.

High Scalability

Automated cloud-native processing from raw data stream through to analysis-ready data.

Spectral Diversity

22 highly calibrated spectral bands covering
Visible, Near-, Shortwave-,Mid-wave-, and Thermal-Infrared bands.

When decisions are data-driven, the quality of the data matters.

We supply premium analytics-ready data that’s consistent across pixel colour, size and location, with a high signal-to-noise ratio that can be integrated into an existing workflow creating optimal value for your investment.


EarthDaily Constellation dataset highlights

43-Space mission Mission launch

Best practices for space mission design

Rigorous pre and post launch calibration in addition to meticulously maintained orbit and attitude control

23-Satellites for Quality Reliability and Repeatability​

Data quality

Analysis-ready with push-broom imagers and time-delayed integration to achieve high signal-to-noise ratios.

44-Spectral Diversity

Spectral Diversity

Industry leading spectral quality and range with 22 highly calibrated spectral bands covering Visible, Near-, Short-wave-, Mid-wave-, and Thermal-Infrared bands

27-Highest revisit frequency

Optimized coverage and revisit frequency

Imagery collected daily over the same location at the same time. Capturing nearly 100% of the Earth’s landmass and maritime legions, empowered by a string of pearls constellation design.

31-Historical perspective

Historical data available

With no tasking needed, the Earth’s entire landmass is imaged and archived every day supporting retrospective time series analysis and forward-looking predictive analytics

Spectral Diversity

22 highly calibrated spectral bands covering
Visible, Near-, Shortwave-,Mid-wave-, and Thermal-Infrared bands



Analysis-ready mosaics enabling application-specific use cases.

Imagine being able to go back in time to identify a trend or a pattern shaping and molding a land. Whether it is an environmental policy, or an infrastructure regulation deployed over a certain period of time, there are impacts to be evaluated, lessons to be learned, and most importantly, risks to be mitigated.

From analyzing a regional forest to monitoring a mining site, predicting water reservoir levels to measuring melting permafrost, EarthDaily EarthMosaics (now in beta) offers application-specific and customized insights fulfilling unique needs of each use case. 

Our EarthMosaics delivers cloud-free, temporally coherent mosaics with the highest possible geolocation and radiometry quality, enabling users to examine true signals, minimize false positives in change detection, and easily contextualize with other geospatial datasets.

Our proprietary image processing capabilities set
EarthMosaics apart from other solutions and deliver true Analysis Ready Mosaics.

  • Geometric and geolocation errors

  • Atmospheric effects

  • Cloud covers, cloud masks

  • Radiometric differences among the images 


The countdown to launch is on. Be part of it as Foundational Partner.

Joining EarthDaily’s Foundational Partner Program gives your organization an opportunity to be one of the first to market with our game-changing data, and as part of a pre-launch commitment, we will work with your organization to provide truly flexible business terms along with other incentives to help establish a platform for a successful partnership, reduce the time to realize the value of your investment in EarthDaily, and accelerate your business.

Products Available at Launch


Incentives of Program

Participate in our beta data and platform programs, beginning in Q1 2025, designed to prepare our Foundational Partners to be successful with EarthDaily as quickly as possible.

Secure and guarantee greater discount on EDC Data products.
Ability to strategically capture market and build capacity in advance of competition.

Access to EarthDaily’s subject matter experts to help build models/workflows/capabilities in advance of commercial release of EarthDaily Constellation data products.

Marketing exposure as one of EarthDaily’s pioneering partners.
Dedicated page/micro-site to highlight the partner and their solution(s)

Foundational Partner Program Benefits

Receive exclusive discounts on EarthDaily Constellation Data products, with advanced market positioning and capacity development.

Early access to beta programs for data and platforms, set to initiate in 2025, ensuring a rapid and effective integration with EarthDaily technologies.

Direct support from EarthDaily experts to develop advanced models and workflows, positioning you ahead of the commercial curve.

Prominent marketing opportunities, including a featured space on our platform to showcase your solutions.

We will:

Provide early access to our technology and data beta programs.

Provide sample datasets for integration and testing with processes or analytical models.

Work with you to develop and execute partner business plans (for reseller and solution. partners), and support in-region efforts (events; on-site customer visits etc.).

Provide your organization access to our subject matter experts.

Work with your company to execute ongoing marketing and promotion opportunities.

Assign a Customer Success Manager to support your technical and business needs.

Offer opportunities to join EarthDaily and promote your business at industry events.

Highlight your company as a foundational partner, pioneering our mission.

EarthDaily’s Trusted Technology Partners

Asset 1loft Orbital

Camera Optical Systems and Payload Integration.

Satellite Bus.

Thermal Camera. 

Payload Electronics for Camera Systems.

Satellite Launch, Satellite Control System and Operations.

Join Us on Our Mission

A commitment to go to market with EarthDaily begins today, however, financial obligations do not take effect until delivery of EarthDaily data begins, which is following the successful launch and commissioning of the satellites in 2025, and activation of your partner agreement.




Interested in finding out more? Contact us today.